[SCUUG Members] SCUUG Annual Conferece - Save the Date and Call for Proposals

Cherie Hohertz chohertz at udallas.edu
Thu Jun 29 17:24:14 EDT 2017

Good afternoon.

The annual conference of the South Central Unified Users Group (SCUUG) will
be held October 13th at the University of Dallas.

Representatives from SirsiDynix will be here to give updates on product
development, corporate partners will be available to discuss integration
with SirsiDynix products, and we will have numerous breakout sessions and
panel discussions.

If you are interested in presenting at the conference, the call for
proposals is now open.  Please submit your presentation ideas at
https://udallas.wufoo.com/forms/khys3h80529f8e/.  There are opportunities
for 45 minutes presentations, short 20 minute presentations, and poster

For those coming from out of town, a group rate will be available at one of
the nearby hotels.  Further information will be coming shortly.

Please forward to anyone who may be interested in attending.

We look forward to seeing you in October.

Best regards,
Cherie Hohertz

Cherie L. Hohertz, MLS
Dean, University Libraries and Research
Cowan-Blakley Memorial Library
University of Dallas
972-721-5040 - voice
972-721-4010 - fax
chohertz at udallas.edu
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