Preconference Question 1: I would attend a preconference if... (check all that apply)
44 % It is an all day training session.
78 % It includes one or more half day sessions to choose ala carte.
44 % It is a Sirsi-delivered face-to-face training session.
06 % It is a Sirsi-delivered WebEx training session.
33 % It is a fun, non-Sirsi event.
00 % I'm not interested in attending a preconference.
Preconference Question 2: I (or my institution) would be willing to pay the following to attend a preconference (check all that apply)
22 % Nothing. I'd only attend if it was free.
78 % $50 per half day / $100 per full day session.
44 % $100 per half day / $200 per full day session.
06 % Whatever Sirsi usually charges for the same session via WebEx.
10 % Whatever Sirsi usually charges for the same session in a face to face training.
Preconference Question 3: I would be interested in the following Sirsi preconference topics (check all that apply)
39 % Circulation and Academic Reserve Refresher
33 % Serials Refresher
28 % Cataloging Refresher
17 % Acquisitions Refresher
44 % iBistro/iLink Refresher
67 % Unicorn Administrator Refresher
39 % Unicorn 5 year Review / Unicorn Optimization
06 % I have another idea or not interested
Suggestion: Unix for beginners? Something about managing a Unix server when you don't have a UNIX guru on staff.
Preconference Question 4: I would be interested in the following non-Sirsi preconference (check all that apply)
72 % Marine science or aquarium or dolphin cruise
28 % Museum tours
00 % Golfing
22 % Wildlife or birding tour
06 % Deep sea fishing
22 % None of these
00 % Other idea
Suggestion: In your email - you mentioned kayaking or sailing lessons - would that still be an option?
Thursday Evening events : I would be interested in (check all that apply)
56 % Going on a casino cruise
11 % Participating in a sing-along at the hotel
44 % Some kind of cultural event
44 % Dinner with a discussion or interest group
61 % Just enjoy the beach
00 % Other idea
00 % Not interested or not attending
Friday Conference Topics: Indicate your interest level in regards to the following Breakout topics
Unicorn Technical Services - Cataloging/Serials/Acquisitions
06 % Would Not Attend
06 % Not Likely to Attend
17 % Don't Know
39 % May Attend
33 % Definitely Attend
Unicorn Public Services - Circulation/Academic Reserves/Requests
22 % Would Not Attend
06 % Not Likely to Attend
11 % Don't Know
39 % May Attend
17 % Definitely Attend
Unicorn Administration
11 % Would Not Attend
06 % Not Likely to Attend
06 % Don't Know
22 % May Attend
56 % Definitely Attend
Unicorn GL3.0+ and Java Workflows
00 % Would Not Attend
00 % Not Likely to Attend
11 % Don't Know
28 % May Attend
50 % Definitely Attend
Sirsi Delivered Unicorn Product Information Sessions
00 % Would Not Attend
06 % Not Likely to Attend
22 % Don't Know
56 % May Attend
06 % Definitely Attend
Sirsi or Sirsi Partner Delivered Product Information on other products
06 % Would Not Attend
17 % Not Likely to Attend
33 % Don't Know
28 % May Attend
00 % Definitely Attend
General Technology or Systems Issues, ie. Open Source Software
06 % Would Not Attend
11 % Not Likely to Attend
11 % Don't Know
33 % May Attend
28 % Definitely Attend